Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Last Weigh In!!!!

The end has come. 

12 weeks, many goals, one helper.

Psalm 121:2 
My help comes from the LORD, maker of heaven and earth. 

How good was God to give this to me today....

Normal. I started out in the obese area. 

I lost over 30 lbs. 

Nervously I await the final results.......

Monday, November 22, 2010

It's HIS kindness that leads to repentance. Hosea 11:4, Romans 2:4

It's HIS love that allows me to love. I John 4:19

It's HIS sacrifice that has set me free. John 3:16

It's HIS words that helps me attack the lies that parade around in my head wanting attention. Psalm 107:20

These have been the themes in my life this fall. I have seen much "harvest" or "fruit" from the "sowing". Better said, I have seen good things come from seeking God this fall.

God invited me to rest. I came whole heartedly and faithfully to sit , read and think. I am forever grateful.
The family and I are writing down our gratitude this week in preparation for Thanksgiving. I think instead of paper I may buy a table cloth to write on. We can add to it each year and lay it on the table before the Lord as an offering of Thanks.

1 Corinthians 9:24-27 (The Message)

 24-25You've all been to the stadium and seen the athletes race. Everyone runs; one wins. Run to win. All good athletes train hard. They do it for a gold medal that tarnishes and fades. You're after one that's gold eternally.

 26-27I don't know about you, but I'm running hard for the finish line. I'm giving it everything I've got. No sloppy living for me! I'm staying alert and in top condition. I'm not going to get caught napping, telling everyone else all about it and then missing out myself.

I am in the last 10 days of a little "race" I started Sept 7. I am tired, I am hungry, I am lonely, I am vulnerable, I am close. 

Yesterday proved grace doesn't do away with temptation. It's there, you'd better have a plan. You'd better pray for the "want to"

having a holy experience 

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Weight loss contest- week 10

week 9   -1.3,

and today's weigh in, week 10  -2

my new goal is for it to not say "overweight" on my wii fit :)

I won't make my original goal in 2 weeks, I'd have to pull 12 lbs-

Every week I see progress though so I am thankful for that, albeit slow, which is healthy- this week I got into a pair of jeans I bought some time ago and have never been able to wear and I was able to do a dreya roll in my workout- at the end of cadiox workout they do a minute of them and there was no way I could do it. I kept at it and knew once I got stronger and had less mid section I probably could and yesterday I finally did it. I jumped up and down for 30 seconds!

Galatians 6:9

9 So let’s not get tired of doing what is good. 
At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up.

Friday, November 12, 2010

A catch up post

Here's what we've been doing and I've been thinking....

Grandma Lilly died. She wasn't my grandmother, that's what everyone called her. She was 92 in 1998 when Cody and I went to Alex to pastor. She beat us young girls at falls creek ladies retreat huffing and puffing up the hills. The service was very sweet and I've been thinking a lot about her all week. How a woman well acquainted with  grief kept going, giving and growing. She set the bar on Biblical womanhood. I want to display the glory of God like grandma Lilly did. I want my three kids, their kids and grandkids to be able to get up and talk about me at my funeral. To not be so upset that they couldn't talk. To have enjoyed the years given and grieve with hope of restoration at the return of Christ.

I love singing with a full band- oh my. 8 years ago I wasn't sure my heart could take anymore....I wasn't sure my God wanted me and my pride leading worship. I was honored to lead 5 services this week with 6 other amazing musicians. 15 years ago I would've been dreaming of recording, more gigs, stardom. But at this point in my life I am so content to just praise God and be thankful.

I have determined I am in a new stage of life and it's okay. I am not a spring chicken anymore. I guess this is the "summer" of my life....but I am in early June :). Again I don't regret getting older- a privilege denied to many.

We were given some rabbits. Maureen and McGregor (respectivly)

 Don't know how long we'll have Cody's allergic so they stay outside. Don't know if we can keep them all winter or not.

 Our local princess set Mcgregor free one day. I wasn't sure I was going to be able to catch him but we did.

The big kids are having to feed and clean cages. It's good for them to have something to take care of.

Speaking of the princess...

She has been enjoying her birthday gifts. She has that hand on her hip most of the day.

We celebrated her birthday, homecoming and trick or treated all in one week. A few pics...

Let's see we've also had pink eye last week, just the girls.

I had 3 nice lunch dates this week and fixed dinner for a new mom in our church and had our guest preachers and their lovely families over this week. I made a delicious brisket. So thankful for the friends God has put in our lives.

Been studying God's amazing and unfailing love. I just love the fact that my relationship with God gets better and better. That his word still speaks after I've read it so many different times.

Football playoffs start tonight and we've supposedly had our first cold front come through but it was a lot of hype- although 2.5 hours outside tonight won't likely be warm. Bringing my own hot drinks.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Tuesday weigh in day-week 8


I'm excited.

1. I've officially lost 20 lbs now!

2. We are now approaching my favorite holiday- Thanksgiving

3. I think I may actually fit in the teeny tiny thanksgiving shirt I bought at Old Navy last year after thanksgiving for $1

4. I am .2 lbs away from actually weighing what my driver's licenses says I weigh- wow, that's amazing

5. I weighed less the beginning of this month than last.

I have 4 weeks to go,  8 lbs before the wii puts my in the normal category, I'm still "overweight".

The Tempation this weekend was really strong to go back to old habits, really strong. I feel I've been given a lot of grace the last 8 weeks and while grace never runs dry,  how do you know you are really walking in freedom unless it's tested? I read a quote last night I like- The gospel is that we say yes to Him again and again and again.

Temptations are inevitable, but what sorrow awaits the person who does the tempting. Matthew 18:

Getting victory over the moments,
The tote bag blogger